Tuesday, April 1, 2008

great weekend the aftermath

Was feeling low after the madness calmed down. Nothing in particular lil worried about being unemployed but mostly just that weird let down feeling after great weekend combined with slight hangover. Having to get on train and then trek across town in pouring rain in inappropriate open toed lil shoes and lil jacket (hello i packed in ten minutes thinking i was only going overnight not for whole weekend sesh including trek in rain)  didnt help matters. straight home to eat some food and hop into bed.

Still felt low on mondayso  gave myself a break from work just spent day tidying room and watching movies.   It wasnt till family all came home from work that i perked up (weird I usually hate the sight of them...) Sister was in perky form and can be quite funny wen like that so cheered up a small bit. Actually think i might be bipolar. was practically hyper by bed time. Must get that checked out :-D

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