Monday, March 31, 2008

great weekend

Last minute friday nite i decided to pack bags and head for the hills(i.e my friend g's house just outside dublin). Was wrecked from allnighter getting stuff done for fri morning deadline but needed to destress and knowing the girls are always on the permanent rip I felt they were the perfect outlet.

Rushed to train station only to find the train was massively delayed. Almost turned back home as was wearing innappropriate open toed little shoes and bracelet sleevet jacket and it was horrifically cold and rainy. But persevered and eventually arrived at the lovely cosy apartment inthe stix bout 10 pm. Straight in2 shower and some heated rollers to turn hair to some semblence of stylishness and i was on my way.

As usual ur chaton was charged with making the drinks. After 2 each of the following cocktail we were so well on and ready 4 the club.

In a large wineglass mix the following:
Large slosh of vodka(quater glass)
Large slosh of premixed rum and mango cocktail(slightly more than a quater glass)
smaller slosh of sparkling wine
Top up with seven-up to make it just drinkable.

Result: Rocketfuel Yummy.

Into the cab where there was much screaming dont know how we didnt crash
tumbled out of the cab at club and proceded to drink bodyweight of 3euro vodkas.

There were no REPEAT NO hotties at the club taking my fancy grr so got sloshed and did some silly dancefloor invading instead.
M(attached) and I (single) managed to get separated from the local's somehow and got a lil lost (although it is the world smallest club but i did mention we were pissed by now). We ended up waiting outside the club (which is right by sea and therefore f@*king freezing) Sans jacket in very short but gorgeous grey frilled dress bought in Italy and (now slightly scratched) silver Guess platforms generally falling off windowledges where we we're perched and shouting at people who picked up dropped handbags.

Eventually the rest of the posse appeared and our taxi was summoned promptly to take us back to the apartment. On arrival your poored exhausted chaton who had been up for 24hours at this stage flaked on G's humungous sofa still in frilly dress and promptly went unconscious.