Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Power of Social Networking

I had a little mention from Harrod's two days ago on Instagram. They didn't even show any of my work, just a snap I took while visiting the store recently and in less than two days the post has 10,000 likes!!!!!

Lets see if the mention translates into increased website traffic. I'll report back as to whether any of my enquiries for services stem from this link, would be pretty impressive if a simple mention from a powerful brand like Harrods could influence popularity in this way. Interestingly enough they originally shared this image on their facebook page and it received a measly 350-ish likes. Does this disparity mean the rumours are true and Facebook's deathknell has already rung? Is this a symptom of our shortening attention spans, meaning we only like to see single snapshots or 150 character items of news rather than larger swathes of info? Answers on a postcard or in the comments below.

New Editorial. Cake Magazine. Wish I Could

Out this week in Cake Magazine is another collaboration of mine with the fabulous duo of AL&K Photography. The Wish I Could Editorial is inspired by the pared back aesthetic of the late, great Corinne Day's early work. The styling and beauty are minimalist, the look often focusing on a single luxurious piece, such as the cashmere cardigan in the shot above. Featuring the stunning Vanessa Jobb of Premier Model Management the shoot had an all female crew on the day including Make Up by Shino Ariizumi and Hair by Michiko Yoshida. I think the result is an intimate snapshot of a girl, home alone, unselfconscious and lost in thought. Click the image below to see the entire editorial on Cake-mag.com