Saturday, May 8, 2010

Interning again:

Filing, stocktaking haberdashery, the odd errand to buy emergency printer cartridges, too much tea, emailing, rooting through archive boxes taking 5 times as long as it should because you keep coming across favourite pieces from past collections, constant desk snacking, admiring fellow interns outfits, guiltily holding samples up to me and realising that not in a million years would I get into it, wine o'clock, figuring out the hierarchy among the group, photoshopping, colourways, pattern search, too many stairs in heels, fending off desperate callers begging to speak to the head designer, never having a day off, buying lunch every day because you have no time for brown bagging- while complaining about having no money, trying to look fabulous while having no money, contemplating the 'personal order' the head designer stealing your food, lapping up complementary comments about your work, envying the people who were in the right place at the right time, laughing at some would be intern applicants examples of work and then being horribly intimidated by the cv's of others, design meetings, photographing fittings, comparing experiences, networking, inspiration, finally beginning to understand the marriage of creativity and commerciality.

Living the dream and loving every minute of it.

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