Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Lips of Wixon

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Trail of Destruction

Can't I get ready for work without annihilating my room??

Or leaving my key's behind...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Reverse Photoshopping!

The popular media's argument about fashion campaigns and magazines featuring images of women who's proportions have been photoshopped beyond realistic proportions is ongoing. "A crime", is the outcry, a travesty inflicted on all of the (inverted comma's) REAL WOMEN out there. Shoulders made wider than hips. People missing knees. 50 year old women with pert tits and not a line in sight. EVIL. WRONG. WITCHCRAFT!!!!! ok we get it, it may have gone a bit far.


A new "evil" trend has emerged.

Fashion followers and people who just happened to stumble across this blog I present you with (if you are not already aware...) REVERSE PHOTOSHOPPING!

Yes reverse. You see those pesky magazine folk are loathe to let go of their mac magic mice. In response to the public demand for more realistic images of "real" women's bodies they have now, wait for it... started photoshopping curves ONTO skinny celebs and waif-like fashion models!

Case in point (as highlighted by the cut blog) Megan Fox's errant stomach muscles:

Now you see them

Now you don't

Yes evil Mr Armani is no longer pushing images of a seemingly impossibly sinewy Victoria beckham He's changed tack and started photoshopping curves onto girls who are actually quite sinewy.

Que public outcry of WTF?

All the media/ "real women" ever wanted was some moderation right? But noooo pesky fashion folk couldn't be logical about the whole thing. They are giving the reactionaries what they want, images of women with realistic curves. But actually not really. A two finger gesture to the decriers? Maybe...

P.s. I've decided to define this reverse photoshopping trend "Potatoshopping". i.e. making skinny people look like they may actually have eaten carbs at least once in their lives. Go forth and spread it my pretties.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I can verify...

This article should form part of the the prospectus for fashion courses across the world. I for one would still have taken my course had I read it in advance of applying. I feel, however, that many of my classmates (who struggled to know what to do with themselves post-graduation in order to remain financially afloat) would have chosen an alternative path. I have pretty much always know that living the fashion dream could involve living like a bit of a povo (a high heel wearing povo but still)until I was experienced enough to reach the holy grail (a paying job in a high end fashion house). I however didnt know it would take quite so long...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Interning again:

Filing, stocktaking haberdashery, the odd errand to buy emergency printer cartridges, too much tea, emailing, rooting through archive boxes taking 5 times as long as it should because you keep coming across favourite pieces from past collections, constant desk snacking, admiring fellow interns outfits, guiltily holding samples up to me and realising that not in a million years would I get into it, wine o'clock, figuring out the hierarchy among the group, photoshopping, colourways, pattern search, too many stairs in heels, fending off desperate callers begging to speak to the head designer, never having a day off, buying lunch every day because you have no time for brown bagging- while complaining about having no money, trying to look fabulous while having no money, contemplating the 'personal order' the head designer stealing your food, lapping up complementary comments about your work, envying the people who were in the right place at the right time, laughing at some would be intern applicants examples of work and then being horribly intimidated by the cv's of others, design meetings, photographing fittings, comparing experiences, networking, inspiration, finally beginning to understand the marriage of creativity and commerciality.

Living the dream and loving every minute of it.

Lyndsey WIxson Looking Rocking...

...In Prada's SS10 Lookbook.

Red pout and pigtails anyone?? Only if you are wearing badass shades please.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Lust list no:400 million

A crocodile skin bag

This one will do nicely

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


are beginning to grow on me. Yes I am officially a fashion victim