Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How Florence Became a Fashion Machine

Since (or, for the gig going set, predating) the release of 'The Machine's inaugural single Kiss With a Fist  Florence Welch been the a style idol for the frenetic indie set. Her Geek-Chic look of matching brogues with stick skinny legs and charity shop jumpers was hip before the hipsters decided it so.

However things move fast in Fashionland and it wasn't long before Florence's willowy-meets-kooky looks were seized upon by magazine editors and designers alike. Florence began popping up at fashion parties. She started wearing shoes! High heeled ones which made her appear 7 foot tall! And we all know that the fashion pack adore an amazonian woman with fabulous hair, we should have seen it coming really. Then the photo op's. Oh look Flo in fresh from the presentation Givency Haute Couture. Here's Flo with NBF and Chanel Muse Blake Lively. Flo and Ricardo. Flo with Stephano. 

And then the ultimate. Florence practically hugging, HUGGING Karl Lagerfeld. 

That's it she's in. Cue fabulous Vogue Japan cover; shot,

 naturellement, by Kaiser Karl himself.

And c'est tout  Florence Welch is officially a Fashion Superstar. Try it at home kids, you too could hug Karl if you are just kooky and tall enough.

She Speaks

Kate Moss rarely gives interviews for print, never mind to camera. The Love must have gone to her head because here she is talking ribbons and romance with US Vogue in the weeks preceding her fabulous wedding to Jamie Hince.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Something to add to the guestlist

Fashion events and FROWS have been rife with "arm parties" for some time now. Ethnic, friendship, string and metallic the bracelet stack is a serious statement and everyone wants theirs to stand out. 

Enter Lulu Frost for J-Crew:

These colour-saturated resin lovlies are a step up from scraps of fabric and rubber and will keep your favourite fetish from looking stale as we move towards the grown-up feel of the new season. Punches of colour are everywhere this winter and as a seasonal bridge the block colour accessory works to ease you into daunting new territory. The art deco inspired embellishments prevent any unwanted 80's acrylic connotations. Party on!

Ok then if you insist

Monday, August 8, 2011


Apparently, according to the flamenco tradition, good dancers are seized by a supernatural inspiration called "duende". This force manifests itself in the focused performance of a song or dance in which expression and expressiveness are so great that the artists, reach a form of rapture.

I can't vouch that the Loewe designers were seized by something supernatural when they designed the Flamenco but I am definitely in raptures. 
The richness of colour, sensible size and discreetly embossed logo stay true to the Loewe stealth wealth model.
The jaunty tassels and extendable strap that allow the bag to be worn cross body or slung over-shoulder add a lighthearted nonchalance to this luxury carry-all. 
The use of a discreetly placed, embossed logo and minimal hardware reinforces the mass move away from the showy "IT-bag", at least for the western customer. A reflection on the fact that the luxury shopper in Europe and the US are still embarrassed about showing off their spending in ostentatious gold plated locks and links and catches?

Or just fashion's knee-jerk rejection of what had become a universal trend?

Whatever the inspiration for the Flamenco it is a long time since a luxury bag has grabbed my attention in this way. A true beauty perfect proportions and the adjustable strap as well as the "wear it everywhere" (even nude on a silk couch according to the print ad) means the Fkamenco has truly shimmied it's way onto my lust list.