Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How Florence Became a Fashion Machine

Since (or, for the gig going set, predating) the release of 'The Machine's inaugural single Kiss With a Fist  Florence Welch been the a style idol for the frenetic indie set. Her Geek-Chic look of matching brogues with stick skinny legs and charity shop jumpers was hip before the hipsters decided it so.

However things move fast in Fashionland and it wasn't long before Florence's willowy-meets-kooky looks were seized upon by magazine editors and designers alike. Florence began popping up at fashion parties. She started wearing shoes! High heeled ones which made her appear 7 foot tall! And we all know that the fashion pack adore an amazonian woman with fabulous hair, we should have seen it coming really. Then the photo op's. Oh look Flo in fresh from the presentation Givency Haute Couture. Here's Flo with NBF and Chanel Muse Blake Lively. Flo and Ricardo. Flo with Stephano. 

And then the ultimate. Florence practically hugging, HUGGING Karl Lagerfeld. 

That's it she's in. Cue fabulous Vogue Japan cover; shot,

 naturellement, by Kaiser Karl himself.

And c'est tout  Florence Welch is officially a Fashion Superstar. Try it at home kids, you too could hug Karl if you are just kooky and tall enough.

She Speaks

Kate Moss rarely gives interviews for print, never mind to camera. The Love must have gone to her head because here she is talking ribbons and romance with US Vogue in the weeks preceding her fabulous wedding to Jamie Hince.