Tuesday, April 15, 2008

sailor girl


Short navy sailor dress with ruffles and white stripes around the hem of the little swingy skirt. It was a gift and is a size too big but I love it. Worn with sheer black tights (for modesty and is only spring) and pale blue polka dot knee socks bought in Italy (The place for interesting hosiery try Yamacy, Golden Point and Intimissi). Black suede Chanel flats. Tan leather jacket.

Texts: From random country boy. WHY? He gave a spiel about how he's just had his heart broken by some girl. Well you don't get the message when a girl clearly states she's not interested so maybe thats why. SERIOUSLY.

Also from lovely boy mate who I think is lovely, clever and wickedly funny but I just don't fancy him. Shame...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I heart.

I heart Thunderstorms. Don't know why, maybe the uncontrollable power or something. 
Anyway pretty savage out there today. Glad I'm indoors tho'.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Walk of Shame/Fame

The walk to get the bus wouldn't have been too bad had I not forgotten to put any scrap of makeup or even sunglasses in my bag the day before. Outfit looks edgey in daytime hours but I think the giant grey undereye circles gave the game away. 

Hungover in a "spacey, dodgy bloodsugar from cheap wine" sort of way.  We went for bagels and coffee, then decided that the bloodsugar situation required an injection of cake.

The pretentious Italian Café that we frequented during college days is on mine and B's way home so we headed there. The coffee was too good to resist so that made two grandé triple shots in under two hours pour moi. The subsequent hyperactivity caused us to bitch loudly about an obese acquaintence of ours, giggle and generally make a nuisance to out fellow coffee drinkers. It did not in any way prepare us to bump into three of our college tutors. EEk! they we're lovely tho and gracious enough to apologise sincerely for the tortuous year we had just (about) gotten over.

They we're hung over too so didn't feel so bad about undereye bagged state :)

P.S. saw twink (Irish "Star" of tv and stage) at pretentious café (which I adore even if it is pretentious) She looks like someone pebble dashed her with shit. The ankles we're especially bad. Seriously old people shouldn't be allowed loose with fake tan. Oh and her dog was wearing pearls. 

Thursday night

Outfit decision: Kelly green short short's with nautucal style gold buttons. flesh toned vest under sheer voluminous white sleeveless top (very ss08). Thick black tights and killer balck patent shoes. Couple with casual tan leather jacket to dress it down a bit, it's only Thurday after all.

Post evening course decided it would be a fantastic idea to skull wine in my friends basement flat in town. After 15minutes deliberating in Tesco express we chose the two of the finest screw top bottles on offer (around the 5 euro mark ha!) well we're not millionaires!
Tipsy after one glass we went online 4 some bebo stalking. Friends appeared with some funny random country boys picked up in Portobello earlier that evening. one of them proceeded to put various root vegetables down his pants in the kitchen. I laughed hysterically, clearly the wine was strong. Then we went out where I promptly lost all the girls and had to spend the rest of my night wandering the club with one of the random country boys in tow looking for them. He completely thought he was in so I made it abundantly clear he in fact wasn't anywhere near being 'in'. 
He insisted on still looking out for me and buying me drinks till I eventually found the gang when the club closed. Asked for my number so we could be "friends" and texted the next day.

Why oh why oh why is it always the ones you have absolutely no interest in that want you???  I thought that guys like the chase so went through a phase of being cold and indifferent to guys and they didn't chase. So tried being all nice and making it clear if I was interested and that made them run a mile too. Someone please tell me exactly what it is I'm doing wrong????

I'm going back to refusing to have anything to do with boys. I'm over them. Except that my sister keeps asking am I a lesbian because I havn't brought home a guy in such a long time. I just refuse to settle ok? I'm not going to start dating some loser guy who I'm completely not attracted to just to please my family. I'm happier on my own I think. 
Ok I give up the search.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

great weekend the aftermath

Was feeling low after the madness calmed down. Nothing in particular lil worried about being unemployed but mostly just that weird let down feeling after great weekend combined with slight hangover. Having to get on train and then trek across town in pouring rain in inappropriate open toed lil shoes and lil jacket (hello i packed in ten minutes thinking i was only going overnight not for whole weekend sesh including trek in rain)  didnt help matters. straight home to eat some food and hop into bed.

Still felt low on mondayso  gave myself a break from work just spent day tidying room and watching movies.   It wasnt till family all came home from work that i perked up (weird I usually hate the sight of them...) Sister was in perky form and can be quite funny wen like that so cheered up a small bit. Actually think i might be bipolar. was practically hyper by bed time. Must get that checked out :-D

Monday, March 31, 2008

great weekend

Last minute friday nite i decided to pack bags and head for the hills(i.e my friend g's house just outside dublin). Was wrecked from allnighter getting stuff done for fri morning deadline but needed to destress and knowing the girls are always on the permanent rip I felt they were the perfect outlet.

Rushed to train station only to find the train was massively delayed. Almost turned back home as was wearing innappropriate open toed little shoes and bracelet sleevet jacket and it was horrifically cold and rainy. But persevered and eventually arrived at the lovely cosy apartment inthe stix bout 10 pm. Straight in2 shower and some heated rollers to turn hair to some semblence of stylishness and i was on my way.

As usual ur chaton was charged with making the drinks. After 2 each of the following cocktail we were so well on and ready 4 the club.

In a large wineglass mix the following:
Large slosh of vodka(quater glass)
Large slosh of premixed rum and mango cocktail(slightly more than a quater glass)
smaller slosh of sparkling wine
Top up with seven-up to make it just drinkable.

Result: Rocketfuel Yummy.

Into the cab where there was much screaming dont know how we didnt crash
tumbled out of the cab at club and proceded to drink bodyweight of 3euro vodkas.

There were no REPEAT NO hotties at the club taking my fancy grr so got sloshed and did some silly dancefloor invading instead.
M(attached) and I (single) managed to get separated from the local's somehow and got a lil lost (although it is the world smallest club but i did mention we were pissed by now). We ended up waiting outside the club (which is right by sea and therefore f@*king freezing) Sans jacket in very short but gorgeous grey frilled dress bought in Italy and (now slightly scratched) silver Guess platforms generally falling off windowledges where we we're perched and shouting at people who picked up dropped handbags.

Eventually the rest of the posse appeared and our taxi was summoned promptly to take us back to the apartment. On arrival your poored exhausted chaton who had been up for 24hours at this stage flaked on G's humungous sofa still in frilly dress and promptly went unconscious.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Bank Holiday Monday

Recently left work to "freelance" Hence time to blog hurrah!

Read a little. Finished Vanity Fair.
Downloaded a movie Perfume: The Story of a Murderer. I read the book a lil while ago, it's mental so dying to see how it translates. Will watch it later this week.
Listening to Amy Winehouse, John Legend. Uploaded some pics of friends and nites out to a myspace page.

Bank holiday activity: Take dog to the phoenix park
Outfit choice: Needs to be very casual, yet stylish enough in case of cute male dogwalkers. One of the incredibly rare occasions where even i will admit defeat on the high heel front. Desperately wanted to wear purple velvet platforms today (just got a velvet platform urge, you know what its like...)
Decided on little leopard print flats by ki kutsu. They are between a ballet flat and a lil trainer pump. Building around these i went for very old flared jeans. The are perfectly aged in that they have a couple of sexy rips even one that shows a peek of pants if you know where to look!
Put this with a little vintage knit. Its like an airtex knit so is kind of sheer. As top is not exactly warm layered it with teeny black hoodie with sculptural puffed sleeves and then a tan leather jacket. Finished the jeans off (as the zipper is not what it was) with a vintage brown leather belt with gorgeous silver buckle. Got this belt and the jumper from absolute vintage in London during pre-xmas visit. LOVED IT!
Anyway hair was straightened yesterday and as it is usually crazy curly it had gotten to that silky straight but desperately longing to be curly again look (mostly straight with pretty bed head kinks) If i tried to pay a hairdresser to do this they would charge me a mint and wudnt get it right, why is life so hard :-D
To accesorise: Cheapo but look good mustard coloured sunglasses and little wooden bracelet with tacky beads containing images of religious icons.
Underwwear: Nude bra with peach bows and peach full pants with bum frills. Not a set but look good together.

I need to get back to work, its so hard to focus sometimes been procrastinating for 2 hours. Will work late to make up. Deadline at end of week. eek. Sometimes I feel like I sabotage myself intentionally by waiting till the last minute to do work.